Grandma’s Village Oral Drama Series
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Grandma’s Village Oral Drama Series

Grandma’s Village Oral Drama Series and Facilitator’s Guide
Exploring character, life skills, and HIV/AIDS through oral dramas and group discussion
The key concepts of the ITC! Youth Curriculum come to life in this series of 32, 30-minute oral dramas. In the typical African village of Mwganza, Grandma raises her two grandchildren, Riziki and Bahati, after their parents die of AIDS. The stories from Mwangaza are designed to motivate people of all ages to discover who they want to be and embrace a positive direction in their lives. The stories also reinforce the character qualities and essential skills we all need to reach our dreams.
In partnership with TWR, Grandma’s Village is currently broadcast on radio stations throughout the continent of Africa. This resource is ideal for oral learners. The dramas are offered in formats for general and faith-based audiences .
The Grandma’s Village Facilitator’s Guide is designed to reinforce learning and promote lively and life-changing discussions about each of the dramas. The guide features valuable resources, including facilitator tips, discussion questions, group activities, and more—all designed to challenge group members to grow socially, emotionally, and spiritually. The program mirrors the It Takes Courage! Youth Curriculum lessons.
The dramas and Group Facilitator Guides are designed to be used in a wide variety of groups and settings, including community centers, schools, and churches. They may be used individually or together, independently or as an oral component for your curriculum. Storyboards are also available to bring yet another dimension to group discussions and support the oral tradition.
Listening Group Facilitators are trained by TWR/Kerus staff working in conjunction with local churches or organizations to coordinate the listening groups.
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